Shipping & Delivery

The chart above shows you the transit time and the number of days FedEx Ground will need to make delivery to your shipping state. Transit times for UPS Ground are nearly identical. Transit times are Monday thru Friday shipping from Winston-Salem, NC.
Typical processing times for standard, in-stock orders is 4 to 8 business days. Typical processing time for non-stock or custom orders is 6 to 12 business days. Add on FedEx or USPS transit time for the approximate delivery time. Our highest peak time is April - June and then again October - December where orders can take longer to manufacture due to order volume. It is always a good practice to order early for your event.
Engraving Time is an ESTIMATE and is not guaranteed, the number of orders ahead of your will affect your timeline. Please keep in mind that every order has to be produced and not taken off a shelf. Some orders may take less time and some orders may take more time (Crests and Quantity Orders).
We do offer EXPRESS SERVICE for faster processing and engraving time if you need your order manufactured faster than our normal posted engraving times. We can honor your request for EXPRESS service by moving your order to top priority and will ship ahead of standard lead times. Express service lead time is dependent on the size of the order, complexity, and inventory levels. Normally we are able to engrave and ship your order within 72 hour period. Please do not assume your order will be engraved the same day unless we confirm it with you. The FEE for this service if you decide to use it is $35.00. NOT AVAILABLE IN DECEMBER
PLEASE NOTE: The approximate engraving times above are to be used as guidelines and are estimates of the time needed to complete your order before shipping, they are NOT GUARANTEED engraving times and can take longer depending on order volume.
December 5th is the target cut-off date for Christmas delivery. This date can vary due to order volumes.
During this extremely high order volume time of the year, November 10th to December 24th our posted approximate engraving times ARE NOT our normal days. During the Holiday season we triple our work staff and are working around the clock, 24/7 so your order ships out as quickly as possible but even with extended work time, orders can take up to 10 to 15 business days before your order finally ships out because of the high order flow. During this time period, we cannot accept any rush orders, orders placed before December 5th should be received before December 25th even if we have to upgrade your shipping method to make sure your order arrives in time for the holiday season. During this Holiday Season Proofs may not be provided in order to meet the delivery. Proofs often take days or weeks for customer approval during this time of year as customers are out-of-office or traveling. With our 99% first-pass yield on proofs, we avoid delays by skipping approval cycles which are for placement and sizing only.